Thursday, March 31, 2005


Several days ago (alright, it was Friday, March 18…) the weather here was simply brilliant (in American, that means ‘nice’). Since we have an actual lunch hour (rather than the lunch twenty minutes I had at my other school), I decided to walk around the school grounds after I finished my fish and chips (our usual Friday fare). Since I work at a school, I couldn’t go very far before I ran into some kids. (Who knew this job would involve so many children?)

‘Come see the frogs!’ they said. So, curious, I decided to follow them.

Nearby, under the shade of a tree, was a small pond. Actually, it was smaller than a pond but it was larger than a puddle, but I’ll be generous. Pointing at the small heads emerging from the water, the kids showed me loads of frogs. The pond (puddle, whatever) was full of them. Looking closely, it almost looked like…no, it couldn’t have been…but…

‘They’re having sex!’ I was told.

Ah, yes, so they were. What followed was the oddest lunchtime conversation I had heard in quite a while.


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