Monday, July 11, 2005


This week was full of images that will be difficult to forget.

We saw images of a joyful city celebrating the Olympics we thought we would never see.

We saw pictures of bands, of crowds, of peacefully marches, of violent protestors being beaten by police officers. Later we saw images of Tony Blair, somber and shaken, leaving the summit to return to London following the bombings.

We saw pictures of an exploded double-decker bus and everyday Londoners, bleeding and injured, leaving Tube stations. We also saw pictures of everyday Londoners rushing to their aid.

We saw images of the Queen visiting the injured. We saw images of the Queen honouring veterans of World War II. We saw images of the Queen riding in an open car, waving to thousands of people.

We saw joy and excitement.

We saw outrage, fear and doubt.

But we also saw courage and hope.


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