Friday, July 21, 2006


So I'm playing around with some Wikis - (collaborative web spaces).

Here are a few I'm playing around with: - one I've created for a maths project (hopefuly)

Some real Wikis: - a free, user creaded and edited encylopedia - a massive travel Wiki


Blogger graycie said...

So there you are! I have wondered what happened to you -- you just disapeared. I thought "off the face of the map," but apparently no so much off of it as all over it. I even stopped looking in at your blog because you were gone gone gone.

It sounds like you will be a department chair -- right? Brit terms and American ones seldom seem to match up, but that's what it sounds like. A promotion? Just where will you be? Has it started yet? Are you happy?

As for wikis -- I started one a few months ago (see the link in the sidebar at the left of my blog). I've just dismanteld the thing for reorganization, but I've put in the front page and most of the pages for the first unit of freshman English. the rest will follow. Mine isn't a true wiki because I won't let anyone else put anything up. It's a convenient place and way to make my lessons available on the web.

I'll be seeing the GGs tomorrow and will fill them in on what you've been up to -- they are interested. When will you come back to the States for a visit?

4:56 AM  

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